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написал 18 октября 2019 в 09:06 [ Назад ]

Заброшенная фабрика искусственных ног в Японии

There are many wonderful ruins in Russia. However, there are wonderful ruins in Japan as well.

Заброшенная фабрика искусственных ног в Японии

This is an abandoned prosthetic leg factory in my hometown.
Information about this place is not on the Internet. It ’s a secret place.

Заброшенная фабрика искусственных ног в Японии

It was the first time I saw a place like this!

Заброшенная фабрика искусственных ног в Японии

There are many places where there are many residues in Japan.

Заброшенная фабрика искусственных ног в Японии

It stimulates our adventurous spirit.

Заброшенная фабрика искусственных ног в Японии

But this place is in the middle of a residential area.
Why is it in such a place? Only one is abandoned! It's so strange.
When you are in the factory, you can hear the voice of the resident of the next house. It was heavy rain on this day. So my footsteps were turned off. I was lucky.

Ai о себе:

I'm Ai, I live in Tokyo.
I like the design and atmosphere of Russian and former Soviet buildings and visit them many times a year. I especially love abandoned places.
I want to take a photo all the countries of the former Soviet Union. It's hard to be far from Japan ...
I can hardly speak Russian. But I can read and write. But there is enthusiasm.
I want to know more about the former Soviet Union. I want to go.